



Message for students

Hello everyone!

Power electronics is known as a comprehensive research area of electrical and electronic engineering. In addition to that you will learn and experience electromagnetics, control engineering, thermal engineering, semiconductors and so forth. This area is also very close to industry as a academic area. So you would see how your outcome becomes product and contributes to the society.

Once you join a laboratory, the biggest difference from undergraduate courses is going to be that you see your knowledge as “tools” and with those tools, we would like you to seek a path to “your own goal ” or “contribution to others.” Along the way, it is important to learn, and experience independently, to fail sometimes. Failure is often seems frightening, but in those challenges you will develop your specialty and humanity at the same time.

You are very welcome to visit our laboratory and I can tell you my own “failure stories”… If you would like lol.

We are looking forward to welcoming you.


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