Choi Sihoon


自己紹介/Self Introduction

Hi, my name is Sihoon Choi from Korea.

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〇 Power Electronics

  • ・DC-DC conversion
  • ・AC-DC conversion
  • ・Analog and digital control
  • ・Modeling of magnetic components
  • ・Power module packaging


Journal paper

[1] “Derivation of Resonant Period for Soft Switching Considering Nonlinear Characteristics of Output Capacitance in Switching Device”,

Sihoon Choi, Ayato Suzuki, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 289-294, May 2023.

[2] “Voltage-Controlled Variable Inductor for Fixed-Frequency Critical Conduction Mode Operation”,

Sihoon Choi, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 5707-5716, June 2023.

[3] “Design of Coupled Inductor Using Powder Core with Concentrated Air Gap in Multiphase Operation”,

Sihoon Choi, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 3449-3458, March-April 2024.

International Conference paper

[1] “Design Method of Coupled Inductors Using Powder Core Considering Soft Saturation and Effects of Air Gap in Multiphase Operation”,

Sihoon Choi, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability – ICMaSS2021, Nov. 2021.

[2] “Derivation of Resonant Period for Soft Switching by Linearizing Output Capacitance of Switching Device”,

Sihoon Choi, Ayato Suzuki, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE International Power Electronics Conference – ECCE Asia (IPEC2022), Himeji, Japan, pp. 2236-2241, May 2022.

[3] “Modeling and Design Method of Coupled Inductor Using Powder Core with Concentrated Air Gap”,

Sihoon Choi, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo – ECCE, Detroit, MI, USA, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2022.

[4] “Voltage-Controlled Variable Inductor to Fix the Switching Frequency in Critical Conduction Mode”,

Sihoon Choi, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo – ECCE, Nashville, TN, USA, Oct. 2023.

[5] “Packaging of SiC Power Module with a Low-Permittivity Material to Reduce Capacitive Coupling”,

Sihoon Choi, Jiyoon Choi, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, 12th IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Symposium Japan – ICSJ, Ritsumeikan Univ., Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2023.

[6]“Design and Packaging Method of SiC Power Module to Attenuate Common-Mode Noise”,

Sihoon Choi, Jiyoon Choi, Yu Yonezawa, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability – ICMaSS, Nagoya Univ., Naogya, Japan, Dec. 2023.

[7] “SiC Power Module Design with a Low-Permittivity Material to Reduce Common-Mode Noise”,

Sihoon Choi, Jiyoon Choi, Yu Yonezawa, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition – APEC, Long Beach, CA, USA, Feb. 2024.

[8] “Common-Mode Noise Reduction for Bridgeless Flyback PFC Rectifier with Balance Technique”,

Sihoon Choi, Yikun Yin, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition – APEC, Long Beach, CA, USA, Feb. 2024.

・Number of papers co-authored: 7

Domestic Conference paper

[1] “Design Consideration of Coupled Inductor using Powder Core and Concentrated Air Gap in Multi-Phase Boost Converter”,

Sihoon Choi, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEE Japan Industry Applications Society Conference – JIASC2022 (電気学会D産業応用部門大会), 1-56, Sophia Univ., Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2022.

[2] “SiC Power Module with a Low Permittivity Material to Reduce Common Mode Noise”,

Jiyoon Choi, Sihoon Choi, Jong-Won Shin, Yu Yonezawa, Arihiro Kamiya, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging (JIEP) – 37th JIEP Spring Conference (第37回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会), 14A1-3, Keio Univ. Yagami campus, Yokohama, Japan, Mar. 2023.

[3] “Balanced Bridgeless Flyback Power Factor Correction Rectifier to Reduce Common-Mode Noise”,

Sihoon Choi, Yikun Yin, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, IEE Japan Industry Applications Society Conference – JIASC2023 (電気学会D産業応用部門大会), 1-73, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, Aug. 2023.

[4] “Packaging and Manufacturability of Low Capacitive Coupling SiC Power Module with Low Permittivity Material”,

Sihoon Choi, Jiyoon Choi, Jong-Won Shin, Jun Imaoka, and Masayoshi Yamamoto, The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging (JIEP) – 38th JIEP Spring Conference (第38回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会), 13B1-4, Tokyo Univ. of Science Noda Campus, Chiba, Japan, Mar. 2024.

・Number of papers co-authored: 9


[1] “あのLTspice開発者が作った新しい回路シミュレータQSPICE速報、トランジスタ技術3月号”, Sihoon Choi, CQ出版, Mar. 2024


[1] Excellent Presentation Award, Master thesis interim presentation, Nagoya University, Sep. 2021 Power Electronics

[2] Young Engineer Paper Presentation Award, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Technical Committee on Energy Engineering in Electronics and Communications (若手エンジニア論文発表賞, 一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ 電子通信エネルギー技術研究専門委員会)

[3] 本部表彰, Technical Committee on Semiconductor Power Converter, IEEJ Industry Applications Society (一般社団法人 電気学会 半導体電力変換技術委員会)

[4] 2023 IEEE PELS Japan Young Engineer Award, IEEE Power Electronics Society Japan Joint Chapter

[5] 学生研究奨励賞, 電子情報通信学会東海支部


  • ・Native in Korean
  • ・Eloquent in English
  • ・Eloquent in Japanese (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N1)

  • 工学研究科電気工学専攻

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